MSNA Conference 19th -21st October 2023  Adelaide, SA

It is my great pleasure to invite you to 2023 Multiple Sclerosis Nurses Australasia Annual Meeting to be held in Adelaide, South Australia on 19th – 21st October, 2023 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor Adelaide. This year we will be celebrating our 25 year anniversary and going with Silver as a theme. So get creative and come glammed up and dressed in all things silver!

We are thrilled to be holding this conference and to be seeing our colleagues and partners once again to collaborate and share education, information and ideas. We have an exciting program currently being planned by the local team so watch this space for more updates in the near future.

I look forward to seeing you all in Adelaide!

Meaghan Osborne
MSNA President

Conference Registration – 

Grand Chancellor, Adelaide

Adelaide Conference Venue | Hotel Grand Chancellor Adelaide (